You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.

-Mary Oliver

Friday 2 May 2008

Thoughts right now

I'm doing that thing again today when I think about all my friends all over the world and get all warm and fuzzy about them. Facebook is great for this.

I'm also thinking more about going back to the States after school, and what the implications of that move would be. I'm realising that though the people I want to perform with are all over the world, the people I want to perform for are largely in Minneapolis. I also know that if I go back to Minneapolis without a plan I'll feel like I'm back where I started and will get all grumpy and listless and sad. So basically, the dream plan for today is going back to Minneapolis for about 6 weeks, and then working on projects all over the place (all over the States?) for 2009, which I can bring back to Minneapolis for the Fringe Festival or a short run at the Theatre Garage or Bedlam or something. This is all assuming I don't get a work permit, or get married, or otherwise finagle a way to stay abroad. Because apparently I'm obsessed with living far, far away.


Gemma said...

1) 6 weeks is not enough time-- in fact, that almost guarantees that you will become bored and listless because no one will hire you to work for 6 weeks, it's not even the length of a rehearsal for a show, and it seems like you are setting yourself up to be bored and hate Minneapolis.

2) Follow what makes you get butterfiles in your stomach. Is it staying aborad and just living? Is it performing and making art? Who with? Is it Minneapolis and "home" and the Fringe Festival? What makes you giggle when you think about doing it?

3) Don't get married. I'm already sick of weddings.

4) We can talk more about this IN FOUR DAYS WHEN I AM THERE!!

5) I love you (duh).

Janna said...

I would like to commend Gemma on her lightening quick good advice. Well-played.

I would like to commend you for admitting that sometimes you would like to be home.
Well played.

I agree that six weeks is exactly too little time to visit me and home, and too much time to have no plan for a visit. Why not do 12 wks?
We could fly home together in August...

If there is no plan, don't force a plan. But then you have to be ok with that decision. Please don't get married, i"m sooo over married right now.

love you!