You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.

-Mary Oliver

Tuesday 20 May 2008

To Do List

There's less than a week remaining of this break until my final term at LISPA begins. We'll jump right into two weeks of intensive rehearsals of the best of the pieces we've worked on so far this year, and then perform them for the public from 12-14th June. Then it's back into the rehearsal room for three weeks, during the course of which every person in the Advanced Course (over 50 once you combine both the Morning and Afternoon groups) will work on a piece conceived, devised, directed, and cast by themselves. Those pieces get one airing apiece, in showings that will take up the final two weeks of the programme. The final night will be 17th July; we graduate on the 18th.

Part of me feels like I should be using this break to figure out WHAT THE HELL I'm going to do for my final piece. I have no idea. Or rather, I have several ideas, but none that appeals worlds more than the next. They all appeal. Something musical. Something clown. Something melodrama and political. All of the above?!

What I should worry about more than this is getting enough rest. It's been very busy for a break, and I've managed to schedule plenty of activities in on top of my 40-hr work week. Tonight I'm meeting up with Simon after a too-lengthy hiatus, tomorrow I'm seeing my friend Brona in a show, and I'm hoping to do two more acro classes this week as well. Then I work on Saturday night, of course, and this weekend I MUST CLEAN OUR FILTHY HOUSE. Why? Because my family is coming! My mom and dad and brother and brother's girlfriend will all, at some point, be residing in our cozy little abode, and gosh darn it if that doesn't motivate me to mop the kitchen floor. Mom and Dad, this is how much I love you: I hate to mop. Maybe I'll be able to get the flatmates to pitch in...

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