You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.

-Mary Oliver

Wednesday 5 September 2007

The bike-master, now that it's fixed

Man, sitting in front of a computer all day just sucks the life outta me! I keep meaning to blog, but can't seem to scrape together a sufficient amount of energy. Forgive me, then, this rather brief and boring post.

So remember how I mentioned that my bike had a flat tire (again) so I didn't ride it all last week? On Saturday I finally had the time to walk it to the nearest bike shop (a little over a mile away) and have them take a look at it. Turns out that my new front tire didn't have a seal all the way around the opening for the air gauge-thingy, so there was this little piece of metal poking out that was systematically puncturing all of my innertubes. (Thanks a lot, assholes who sold me said defective wheel and didn't notice the first time I took it in for a flat tire. Consider yourselves named and shamed. Though I suppose, in fairness, they did change that first tube for free... well, whatever. These guys are my bike heroes from now on.) But now it's fixed! And so to celebrate I biked ALL OVER LONDON all weekend long. I clocked almost 35 miles in two days. And no flat tire in sight! Woo hoo! Other highlights of the weekend included stumbling onto the London's Fittest Firefighter contest in Covent Garden, having a picnic lunch in Hyde Park with my dear friend Becky of SPW fame, and getting my hair cut for the first time in (ahem) a year.

A year.

I'm so bad at general girl pretty-maintenence things. Seriously, I don't even know how to apply eyeshadow correctly. I'm a failure at being gendernormative in the appearance-upkeeping sense.

But that's neither here or there. Monday came and went largely without incident; last night I saw this awesome lady, who has previously sang with the Polyphonic Spree and played with Sufjan Stevens. She is so so cool, and the venue was so so tiny, and the tickets were so so cheap, and we were so so close. Honestly, could've shined her super shiny shoes from where I was standing, mouth agape, staring at this awesome lady. Everyone check out St Vincent. And know when you listen to her stuff that it is all her. It was just her onstage with a guitar, about eight different pedals, two microphones, and some crazy drum/sample machines. She is one crazy multi-taskin' talented lady. I had a great night.

It also just felt really good to feel like I was taking advantage of this city. My friend Seiriol has a show going up at the Barbican that I'm hoping to see this week or next, plus the new Complicite show. Despite the fact that my shoulder is still a little stiff from time to time, I've booked my Induction Class at The Circus Space for next week so I can start taking acrobatics classes. I'm biking more than ever (close to 20 miles yesterday), and I've got lots of ideas of how to fill my time when I'm not at work. It's only when I'm at work that I get a little crabby, a little restless, a little blue.

Also on the horizon: the house-hunt. Wish me luck.


Hojo Mantooth said...
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Hojo Mantooth said...

way to call out the sloppy bike shop with a hyper-text link!