You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.

-Mary Oliver

Monday 10 September 2007

I guess I was tired

I overslept this morning by a good two hours, but in exchange for being late to work I got a dream that I wouldn't have traded for anything. I was in the backseat of a car, driving through a green and unknown city with a man I [have] love[d], talking and laughing and catching up and working out the time difference between London and Florida. I showed him my scrapes and bruises from my cycling accident; he introduced me to his friends. They were all very impressed. I pretended to be a campy gay man, and we all laughed.

And as much as it sucks to wake up and realise you were meant to be in the office ten minutes ago, the glow I got off that dream was the best way to start the day.

In other news, the bike is broken again. I've decided to stop calling it "my bike" because I am officially relinquishing responsibility for it. Besides, Maria lent it to me for the summer, so technically it's hers, and she found it in a bush outside a prison. So. Apparently the bottom bracket needs to be replaced, and I've decided it's just not worth it. So happy early birthday to me, I'm going tomorrow after work to buy my own used ride, graciously funded by my parents. Thanks, Mom and Dad!

This weekend also marked the finding of a house for next year! While I was at work on Friday, Karim, Carrie, and Baerbel pounded the pavement all day looking at places, and then took me to see the pick of the bunch on Saturday. It's kinda far away - it's in Leyton, which is Zone 3, and it will be an hour commute into work by either tube or bike (though only a 15min cycle ride to school) - but the house is lovely and newly refurbished and furnished and CHEAP. We'll probably be paying less than £290pcm each, and we'll have loads of space. I'm very pleased. The landlady is very nice and very involved, and we're all currently trying to clear the necessary hurdles with finding guarantors, filling out the necessary paperwork, etc. Hopefully we'll be moving in on the 1st! How exciting! And plenty of space means plenty of room for visitors...

Other than that, I saw Peter Brooks' The Mahabharata at the Barbican yesterday, complete with post-film discussion with the man himself, and worked Saturday night. Tonight I have my induction class at the Circus Space. And then I go to sleep - perchance to dream?

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