You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.

-Mary Oliver

Monday 17 September 2007

Of House and Heroes

Well, we put down a deposit for the house. (Yes, that one I didn't like.) I'm still not sure how I feel about it, but since I was the only one making a stink and I'm never the one who has to do the grunt-work of seeing houses anyway, it seemed to make the most sense that I go with the crowd on this one. There's more to say about that, but not online. I just wish I knew how much of my unhappiness at the moment is real, and how much of it is sickness/stress/fatigue/hormones.

Yes, I have been battling all these four (sickness, stress, fatigue, hormones) for as many days, which has meant that I have not been the most rational or most pleasant person to be around. Several crying jags (more or less unwarranted) and three loads of laundry (very warranted) later, I'm feeling better, albeit still sick/stressed/fatigued/hormonal. But there is solace to be found in this state of melancholy, and that solace is....


I'm totally hooked.

Karim knows about this website where you can watch all the first season episodes online for free, and after less than a week I'm already up to episode fifteen out of twenty-three. It's all very exciting. I'd tell you where I am in the sequence of events but I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. Let's just say that the end of the last episode I watched last night had me grinning and going, "No WAY! NO WAY!!" Ah, the carefully-planned serendipity of prime time television series. Ah, escapism. Ah, Heroes.

A real-life hero of mine, Ana Mirtha, returns to London tonight!, much to my delight. She is so full of light and joy, I can only imagine she will dispel these clouds that have been lurking around me of late. Again, the house on Haycroft will be stuffed to the brim, and I will be happier for it.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Yeah Heroes! I'm totally with you. I can't wait for season 2.