You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.

-Mary Oliver

Monday 17 December 2007

Holiday cheer

After sleeping for thirteen hours (yay!) and missing the school end of term party (boo!) last Friday night, I'm feeling rested, happy, and fully in the Christmas spirit. There are outdoor markets and Christmas carols and warm spirits everywhere. The biking weather is perfect - cold and crisp and speedy. London during this season is a wonderful place to be.

Last week, Persefoni surprised us at the house with a fat little Christmas tree. We made ornaments out of cardboard painted red and strung some lights around it, and it's done more than it's part to contribute to the holiday cheer. For his birthday on Saturday night Karim made copious amounts of very alcoholic eggnog, and my Saturday afternoon was spent with Simon (so dear to my heart) wandering through Broadway market and going to the cinema. Sunday was a lounge day, with a brief excursion to Spitalfields Market and Brick Lane, an outing to the cinema (again) to see Once, and drinks with Karim before a quiet evening in doing laundry and watching a movie with the girls.

It feels so good to have this term behind me. It was a great term, but it was exhausting to a degree that I hope I never have to experience again. I'm so happy to be going home (tomorrow!) to see my family, my friends, my dog, and sleep and eat and relax. Oh my, oh my, it's going to be such an amazing holiday.


Anonymous said...

I just stumbled on your blog through Leah Cooper's, and I read through most of it because you sound so much like me!! In the way you write, and the way you think. The things you're doing are waaay more than me at this point, although I would *love* to be going to school in London. I'm just finishing up a theatre undergraduate degree in Wisconsin, and I'm really not sure where I'm going to go from here.

I researched your school and it looks fantastic, possibly a little beyond what I'm ultimately planning on doing, although in all the "Creation" stuff it sounds like training I could really use.

I won't link you to my blog because it's terribly private, but I will come back to see if you've posted any reply to this.

I love London. I've been there six times. I usually stay two weeks at a time. Which is enough to get the *feel* of living there, but not enough to satisfy me. :)

Isabel said...

leah cooper has a link to my blog? that makes me feel so cool!

i'm glad you've enjoyed what you've read. blogsurfing is so great, especially when you stumble on ones that speak to you, you know? there's one that i read pretty religiously that i only came across because one day i decided to google "blog strawberry muffin ginger" or something similarly random.

and i have to ask - what are you "ultimately planning on doing"? i'm consistently excited by all that theatre can involve and entail... assuming that you're interested in going into theatre, what part(s) of that wide universe are you interested in investigating?