You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.

-Mary Oliver

Wednesday 21 November 2007

Tipping the scales

Life feels schizophrenic these days.

Good things:
  • The Intro to Civilian Protection workshop on Sunday went well
  • I started cycling again this past weekend
  • Due to a series of events, I can now afford to do the residential simulation peacework course this weekend
  • I'm proud of the commedia piece we presented yesterday, and I love my group
  • I'm really excited about tackling epic theatre
  • Classmates have found really interesting stories to try to translate to the stage
  • I feel incredibly blessed to be at this school

Bad things:

  • I'm exhausted, and I don't know how much longer I can maintain this schedule

Sometimes one or two bad things is all it takes to mitigate a bunch of good things. Not that life is terrible at the moment - far from it. It just makes me a little sad sometimes when I realise how much more I could appreciate the good things, if only I had the time and energy to do so.


Gemma said...

So slow down! Take a break! Don't take peacework workshops all weekend!

I always found it difficult in NY to slow down and stop being stressed out. And now that I'm here, I have no problem. So it's partly a pace-of-life thing-- London is probably a hectic, exciting, 24-hours-a-day city. So it's hard to relax. But you've just GOT to, because the alternative is burnout and misery. And that's why I left NY.

So... not to be preachy... take it or leave it... but that pattern is SO familiar to me! It almost hurts to read about it, I know it so well.


Janna said...

Gemma got it right. Down to the use of exclamation points even, it was what I would have said. (Gemma! Glad you are back in the Twin Cities! Come visit Seattle!) Peacework is great, finish grad school. If you are exhausted you will get sick and sad.Trust me, I have pneumonia, and as a result I have watched the entire Back to the Future Triology, but have not seen many friends lately. Saaaaad times.

take advice from us for once because between me and Gemma we are a sad Lifetime TV cautionary tale about life in the city.

Gemma said...

We would make THE BEST Lifetime special! "Burnout and Pneumonia: The Gemma & Janna Story". I'll get right on that.